.. meta:: :description lang=en: Collect useful snippets of I/O operations. :keywords: Python, Python I/O Operations ============= Files and I/O ============= .. contents:: Table of Contents :backlinks: none Read a File ----------- In Python 2, the content of the file which read from file system does not decode. That is, the content of the file is a byte string, not a Unicode string. .. code-block:: python >>> with open("/etc/passwd") as f: ... content = f.read() >>> print(type(content)) >>> print(type(content.decode("utf-8"))) In Python 3, `open `_ provides ``encoding`` option. If files do not open in binary mode, the encoding will be determined by ``locale.getpreferredencoding(False)`` or user's input. .. code-block:: python >>> with open("/etc/hosts", encoding="utf-8") as f: ... content = f.read() ... >>> print(type(content)) Binary mode .. code-block:: python >>> with open("/etc/hosts", "rb") as f: ... content = f.read() ... >>> print(type(content)) Readline -------- .. code-block:: python >>> with open("/etc/hosts") as f: ... for line in f: ... print(line, end='') ... localhost broadcasthost ::1 localhost Reading File Chunks ------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> chunk_size = 16 >>> content = '' >>> with open('/etc/hosts') as f: ... for c in iter(lambda: f.read(chunk_size), ''): ... content += c ... >>> print(content) localhost broadcasthost ::1 localhost Write a File ------------ .. code-block:: python >>> content = "Awesome Python!" >>> with open("foo.txt", "w") as f: ... f.write(content) Create a Symbolic Link ---------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> import os >>> os.symlink("foo", "bar") >>> os.readlink("bar") 'foo' Copy a File ----------- .. code-block:: python >>> from distutils.file_util import copy_file >>> copy_file("foo", "bar") ('bar', 1) Move a File ----------- .. code-block:: python >>> from distutils.file_util import move_file >>> move_file("./foo", "./bar") './bar' List a Directory ---------------- .. code-block:: python >>> >>> import os >>> dirs = os.listdir(".") After Python 3.6, we can use ``os.scandir`` to list a directory. It is more convenient because ``os.scandir`` return an iterator of ``os.DirEntry`` objects. In this case, we can get file information through access the attributes of ``os.DirEntry``. Further information can be found on the `document `_. .. code-block:: python >>> with os.scandir("foo") as it: ... for entry in it: ... st = entry.stat() ... Create Directories ------------------ Similar to ``mkdir -p /path/to/dest`` .. code-block:: python >>> from distutils.dir_util import mkpath >>> mkpath("foo/bar/baz") ['foo', 'foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz'] Copy a Directory ---------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree >>> copy_tree("foo", "bar") ['bar/baz'] Remove a Directory ------------------ .. code-block:: python >>> from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree >>> remove_tree("dir") Path Join --------- .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> p = Path("/Users") >>> p = p / "Guido" / "pysheeet" >>> p PosixPath('/Users/Guido/pysheeet') Get Absolute Path ----------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> p = Path("README.rst") PosixPath('/Users/Guido/pysheeet/README.rst') Get Home Directory ------------------ .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> Path.home() PosixPath('/Users/Guido') Get Current Directory --------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> p = Path("README.rst") >>> p.cwd() PosixPath('/Users/Guido/pysheeet') Get Path Properties ------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from pathlib import Path >>> p = Path("README.rst").absolute() >>> p.root '/' >>> p.anchor '/' >>> p.parent PosixPath('/Users/Guido/pysheeet') >>> p.parent.parent PosixPath('/Users/Guido') >>> p.name 'README.rst' >>> p.suffix '.rst' >>> p.stem 'README' >>> p.as_uri() 'file:///Users/Guido/pysheeet/README.rst' Read a gzip CSV --------------- .. code-block:: python import gzip import csv f = "example.gz" with gzip.open(f, 'rt', newline='') as gz: reader = csv.DictReader(gz) for row in reader: print(row) Linux Inotify ------------- .. code-block:: python3 import selectors import struct import ctypes import sys import os from pathlib import Path from ctypes.util import find_library # ref: IN_CREATE = 0x00000100 IN_DELETE = 0x00000200 INOTIFY_EVENT = "iIII" INOTIFY_EVENT_LEN = struct.calcsize(INOTIFY_EVENT) lib = find_library("c") assert lib libc = ctypes.CDLL(lib) class Inotify(object): def __init__(self, path): self._path = path self._fd = None self._wd = None self._buf = b"" self._sel = selectors.DefaultSelector() def init(self): fd = libc.inotify_init() if fd < 0: errno = ctypes.get_errno() raise OSError(errno, f"{os.strerror(errno)}") return fd def watch(self, fd, path): p = str(path).encode("utf8") wd = libc.inotify_add_watch(fd, p, IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE) if wd < 0: errno = ctypes.get_errno() raise OSError(errno, f"{os.strerror(errno)}") return wd def remove(self, fd, wd): libc.inotify_rm_watch(self._fd, self._wd) def handle(self, fd, *a): b = os.read(fd, 1024) if not b: return yield from self.parse(b); def parse(self, buf): self._buf += buf while True: l = len(self._buf) if l < INOTIFY_EVENT_LEN: break hd = self._buf[:INOTIFY_EVENT_LEN] wd, mask, cookie, length = struct.unpack(INOTIFY_EVENT, hd) event_length = INOTIFY_EVENT_LEN + length if l < event_length: break filename = self._buf[INOTIFY_EVENT_LEN:event_length] self._buf = self._buf[event_length:] yield mask, filename.rstrip(b"\0").decode("utf8") def __enter__(self): self._fd = self.init() self._wd = self.watch(self._fd, self._path) self._sel.register(self._fd, selectors.EVENT_READ, self.handle) return self def __exit__(self, *e): self.remove(self._fd, self._wd) if len(e) > 0 and e[0]: print(e, file=sys.stderr) def run(self): while True: events = self._sel.select() for k, mask in events: cb = k.data yield from cb(k.fileobj, mask) with Inotify(Path("/tmp")) as i: for m, f in i.run(): print(m, f)